Do you often find yourself getting angry at others ?
Do you feel your anger is getting out of control ?
Do you frequently regret something you said or did ?
Are you noticing that small things are making you angry ?
What is Anger Management ?
Anger is a normal emotion which can be effective and beneficial in some situations. Not being able to control this emotion can impact on relationships and cause problems in life.
Brilliant life skills are running a six-week CBT based anger management group
Online via zoom – you need a stable internet connection and ability to attend using platforms such as Zoom
Cost : $300 – to be paid online
When : Every Monday from 4th July to 8th August 2022
Time: 9.45am – 11.45am
You will learn following skills:
Understand anger and the triggers to this emotion
Learn about emotional regulation and dysregulation
Understand how our perceptions affect our feelings and behaviour
Strategies to cope with anger
Learn how to apply mindfulness in challenging situations
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